SEO is dead? Again? Maybe this time.

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

I suspect you’ve heard this before: SEO is dead. Finished. Again. It’s a bold claim, or it would be, if it wasn’t so over-used. As someone who’s worked in digital marketing for over twenty years, I can usually tell you with certainty that the reports of SEO’s death have been greatly exaggerated. The predictions have always proven to be incorrect. … Read More

Links and link building can be worse than a punch in the face

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

What you’re about to read may not excite you. But you should take it seriously. It could save you far more money than you’re prepared to throw away. But before that, I need to give you an over-simplified history of SEO. Don’t let this put you off. You need to know this. If not today, then at some point in … Read More

Google Search Console vitals

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

I admit it. I happen to love Google Search Console. And I don’t think it gets enough attention. It’s free, reasonably accurate, there is almost no setting up, and for the most part, it’s non-technical. So I’m quite surprised by the number of people who don’t use it at all. In this post, I’ll show you the two sections of … Read More

ChatGPT and SEO

Posted by Dave CollinsCopywriting, SEO

What is ChatGPT? If you believe the hype, excitement and fear that’s out there, ChatGPT is somewhere between the dawn of a new era and the end of the world. Essentially though, ChatGPT is just a chatbot. But unlike the chatbot of yesteryear, it can actually hold a reasonable conversation, and even give answers to questions in a human/ish manner. … Read More

Search Console – a beginner’s guide to advanced tactics

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

There are more SEO tools than good reasons for using them. And sadly, I feel that the majority aren’t fit for purpose. There are some notable exceptions, however, and one of the best is often neglected by businesses, unusually powerful, and misunderstood by most. It’s also free. The tool is Google Search Console. And unlike many others, it doesn’t try … Read More

What makes good content?

Posted by Dave CollinsCopywriting, SEO

Google results screenshot - emergency dentist near me desktop

You’ve probably heard the “Content is King” idea. This has been a marketing and SEO mantra since the beginning of time. And it’s no great revelation that quality is more important than quantity. A single well-written blog post every couple of months is inevitably worth more than a weekly rubbish offering. But before you click away from this post, don’t … Read More

How to improve SEO without spending time or money

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

Chances are that you’ve had some type of SEO task on your to-do list for a while. But for whatever reason, you’ve now decided to do something about it. And this time, I’m going to help make sure it doesn’t slide. The following isn’t an in-depth guide to SEO. It won’t turn you into an SEO guru – although if … Read More

More Google Updates are coming

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

My single prediction for 2020 is that a lot will change this year. And the traffic you’ll receive from Google? That’s going to be affected too. Why more updates? Setting aside the issue of their ads, Google have one main agenda when it comes to presenting users with search results: To make sure that people find the best answer to … Read More

SEO best practices – 2 guides, 2 steps and 2 checks

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

This is the most minimalist checklist you’re likely to find for making sure that your content is SEO friendly. It isn’t comprehensive. And it certainly isn’t a guide to doing SEO as such. It’s a very basic checklist of quick steps that anyone should take when creating a piece of content on their website. There are two guiding questions, to … Read More

Google doesn’t love your blog post? Fix it.

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

You know that blog post? The one you poured your heart and soul into? The post that was more thorough than usual, offered great insight… the one you just knew was one of your best? When you go to see how it’s doing in Google, expecting to see a surge of joy, you may instead you see this: Don’t worry. … Read More