Google doesn’t love your blog post? Fix it.

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

You know that blog post? The one you poured your heart and soul into? The post that was more thorough than usual, offered great insight… the one you just knew was one of your best? When you go to see how it’s doing in Google, expecting to see a surge of joy, you may instead you see this: Don’t worry. … Read More

Your website designer knows nothing about SEO (probably)

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO, Website Usability

Nobody wants to redesign their website, but we’re all going to have to do it at some point. Eugh. This post will make sure that your next website redesign won’t destroy your Google traffic. It might not be useful to you right now, but I’d recommend reading it and storing it somewhere safe for when you next try to choose … Read More

Actionable SEO basics – for busy people

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

You probably understand at least some of the basics of SEO. Contrary to what many SEOs will have you believe – it’s not rocket science! You know it’s all about choosing the right keywords, then using them properly in the title, description, content, links, images and so on. But when I deliver our SEO training and am getting a feel … Read More

How to get more traffic from Google – the basic approach

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

“How do I get more traffic to my website?” is one of the most common questions we are asked. Stick with me. Fact: it used to be so much easier. At risk of sounding like I’m as old as I am, back in the day, getting people to your website was easy. You created some lead bait, made some noise, … Read More

Two questions (something for everyone)

Posted by Dave CollinsAnalytics, SEO

Recently, I asked our Google Demystifier subscribers for any Google-related questions you may have that could help your business in 2019. To be honest I didn’t know what to expect in terms of quantity or quality. No offence intended. But I’ve been blown away. They sent some great questions my way, and choosing which to use has been bordering on … Read More

Your website’s organic traffic trends

Posted by Dave CollinsAnalytics, SEO, Two minute video

If I asked you what’s been happening to your organic traffic over the past year or so, would you know the answer? Not just how much traffic you’re getting right now, but how this has changed over time, in terms of quality and quantity? If you don’t know how to find this information, our Google Demystified in two minutes video … Read More

The time is now

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

One of the biggest changes in SEO is now underway. And it’s going to affect every business with a website. If that includes you – read on. Some time ago I wrote about Google’s plans for a mobile-first index. At the time I wrote that “this is something that you’re going to have to do sooner or later“. Well, it … Read More

SEO tools: the best free, best paid and best avoided

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

There are more SEO tools out there than stars in the sky. Or at least it feels that way. The reason for this is a simple but seductive dream: The right SEO tool can save you time, save you money, increase your web traffic, bring you more sales and cut down your working day to a few hours. What’s not … Read More

The best SEO tool – free, reliable and certified by Google

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

I don’t want to brag, but I think I’ve used almost every English-language SEO tool that’s out there. Over the years I’ve been dazzled by ahrefs, screaming frog, sitebulb, xenu, web position gold (I’m old), website auditor, Moz, the link assistant tools, citation labs, serps, long tail pro, ubersuggest and a fair number of others. I’m not linking to all … Read More

Google penalty checker – don’t panic!

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

Before you skim and move on, read the next paragraph. This post contains information that you’re almost certainly going to need at some point in the future. So even if you don’t read it all now, I’d suggest bookmarking it, or putting a copy of it somewhere safe. It could save you from a great deal of stress and pain. … Read More