Google get deceptive

Posted by Dave CollinsGoogle Ads, SEO

You may have noticed that ads displayed on Google are starting to look a little more discrete. In days gone by they were pushed to the right hand side of the browser, were clearly marked as Sponsored Links, made heavy use of mixed case in the display URL, and the few that were placed above the organic listings were clearly … Read More

blekko – an interesting alternative to Google?

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

If you work with Google you most likely enjoy a love-hate relationship with them. You love the traffic they send, but you hate the way they move, rename, camouflage and smoke-screen the goal posts. Yet what choice do you have? There are alternatives, but if you combine all the traffic they might collectively send you each month, you’re still only … Read More

SEO is dead. Again.

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

Every few months, someone else has a new angle on why SEO has died. In fact a search on Google for SEO is dead produces over 5 million results. Note that a search for SEO is hard produces over 20 million results. That boosts my faith in humanity. The latest flavour of “it’s the end of SEO as we know … Read More

AdWords ads DO affect your organic rankings. Probably.

Posted by Dave CollinsGoogle Ads, SEO

There are those who believe that paying for Google AdWords ads will result in their previously invisible website shooting up the ‘regular’ rankings. Sadly that simply isn’t the case. AdWords ads are completely separate from the organic listings. However there is a very real possibility that ads may impact the CTR of organic listings, or, for that matter, vice-versa. An … Read More

Fact: most of us are above average at everything

Posted by Dave CollinsSEO

Practical eCommerce have produced the results of their SEO Survey. Aside from the fact that they made no mention of how many people took part, let’s consider the highlights of each question and answer combination: More than 95% of respondents though that SEO is important for their business. Nearly all respondents claim to have a fair or good understanding of … Read More

Ask not what Google can do for you, but what you can do for Google

Posted by Dave CollinsDigital Marketing, SEO

Software developers, product designers and manufactures can learn a lot from Google. They churn out new features at an incredible rate. Their new ideas are (mostly) useful. They don’t wait too long before releasing their offerings to the world (Gmail is still in beta). And they don’t dilute a great product with superfluous features. Their latest most visible development has … Read More

Google vs. Yahoo – is there a prize for second place?

Posted by Dave CollinsDigital Marketing, SEO

I like to indulge myself a little on a Friday morning, and look for emerging trends across all of our client accounts. I did say a little. When looking at which search engines send traffic to our clients, like Olympic events, the three medal winners stand on a podium. Unlike the Olympic podiums, the Gold medal winner stands several kilometres … Read More