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Competitive Edge

What is web log analysis?

Web log analysis has recently become something of a buzzword in online marketing. While the results of a thorough web log analysis can be both fascinating and surprising, the actual work itself is fairly down-to-earth. At its most basic level, web log analysis involves looking at your website’s visitor statistics and trying to discover patterns and trends.

These patterns and trends can tell you many different things about the way that visitors to your website behave. Through web log analysis, you can find out how they get to your site, where they go from the index page, which links are the most popular and much more. Once we have done an in-depth web log analysis, we can advise you on any changes your website might need in order to ensure that you don’t lose visitors who could be interested in your software.

If you want your online business to succeed, it is vital to understand exactly how your website works and where the weak points are situated. Although web log analysis initially involves nothing more than looking at long lists of numbers, they can actually reveal a great deal about your human visitors and their actions (or lack of action) on your site. We have the experience and expertise that is necessary in order to see behind the numbers – through web log analysis, we can help you take advantage of the information that is already sitting there.

Featured Service

Google AdWords Report Service

Anxious about the state of your AdWords account? Worried that you’re losing money, or perhaps simply not making as much as you’d like to? Concerned that your account might be full of mistakes and oversights, but not sure what to do about it?

The Google AdWords Report Service tells you all you need to know.

We go into your Google AdWords account, have a look round, and follow a detailed and comprehensive 75 point checklist covering your account setup, campaigns, campaign settings, ad group structure and names, budget and much, much more. We then write-up our findings in a clear, detailed and well-illustrated report.

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