Digital Marketing by SoftwarePromotions

Q: Why is Google AdWords so complicated?

A/Q: Why do you think?

Everyone knows that Google make most of their money from AdWords. And anyone who uses AdWords knows that it’s a seriously powerful system.

Like many powerful systems, it has a lot of options.

Here’s where I get to the point.

Almost every single default is in Google’s favour and not yours.

A new campaign will default to being displayed on all devices (including  iPhones), on all networks (really bad idea) with ads not rotated evenly and more.

All the defaults, every single one of them, are in Google’s interests and not their advertisers.

On top of that there are an astonishing number of options to choose from.

A new AdWords advertiser may be horrified to discover a total of 18 decisions that have to be made when setting up a new campaign – and that’s before they have to start even thinking about actual keywords or ads.

As someone who’s been working with AdWords since the very earliest days, I’ve watched what was a fairly simple system evolve into an astonishingly complex multi-headed beast of a monster!

Our company is a Certified AdWords Partner, and have been working with Google AdWords since 2001. So we know what we’re doing, and know what we’re talking about.

Have you ever set up a Gmail account? Shared photos on Picasa? Setup a Google Docs account? Used Google Analytics on your websites? These are complicated tasks that Google have made simple.

AdWords is complicated because Google want it to be complicated.

If you know what you’re doing (we do) then you can have a fruitful, symbiotic relationship with Google. But most advertisers don’t know what they’re doing, in which case the relationship is very much parasitic.

Smart parasites hide the damage caused by their feeding, so as to be able to feed on their hosts for as long as possible.

Most AdWords account that I see for the first time (I see many)  are losing money without the advertiser even realising.

Are you really that confident that you know what you’re doing with your AdWords account?

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