Digital Marketing by SoftwarePromotions

Is your SEO technique dangerous?

If you’re wondering whether your SEO tactics might land you in trouble, then they probably will.

SEO tactics aren’t a good idea. It doesn’t matter how clever, original or discrete you think your tactic is, Google have seen it before.

At best, whatever you do might work in the short term. At worst, it could get you penalised by Google.

Imagine you were asked to sit down with a  representative from Google, and they asked for explanations for your SEO actions.

If you could provide legitimate answers to all of their queries without having to lie or blur the truth, then your SEO practices are probably reasonable. As such they are unlikely to get you in trouble.

If, on the other hand, you had to evade questions or hope they didn’t pick up on some of the things you’ve been doing, your SEO practices are probably questionable, and carry the risk of penalty.

You might think that SEO Black Hat techniques sound cool. But how cool is watching your Google traffic dropped to zero overnight?

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