Digital Marketing by SoftwarePromotions

B2B and B2C

Is there are difference between running a business-to-business site and a business-to-consumer site? Probably, yes, although it depends on the site. But essentially, it all comes down to reaching the individual, human, site visitor. And people tend to behave like people, whether they’re browsing at home or at work.

This is what I’ve always thought, and over at UIB, Jared Spool is of the same opinion, and goes as far as calling the difference between B2B and B2C a myth:

“Having looked into this for the last ten years, we can conclusively say you won’t find any difference in how people behave on one site or the other.”

Very good point, methinks. Well worth a read.

Designing for B2B is No Different From Designing for B2C

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